Harp Hilly Hundred Reliability Ride

Entering the Event
The next edition will be held on Sunday 3rd March 2013, postponed from 20th January 2013 due to snow, further details can be found on the  Harp Hilly Hundred Website including routes, maps and profiles.

Backgound Information
The Harp Hilly Hundred Reliability Ride is a popular early season training ride organised by the Harp Road Club, and is usually the first event in the Chiltern Classics series. Recognised as one of the harder reliability rides in the area, because of the unrelenting terrain through the Chilterns, it was originally 100 miles but is now approximately 100 kms. There is an alternative route of 55 kms for those who don't feel they are fit enough for the full distance.

Harp Hilly Hundred Shield
The Harp Hilly Hundred Shield is awarded to the club with the most riders who have successfully completed the 100km ride. It has been awarded every year since the event started in 1954. The list of shield winners can be found on the Harp Hilly Hundred Website.

Charity Donations
For the past few years we have donated at least 50% of the entry fees received for the event to charity.
In 2012 we donated a total of £1500 to our selected charities, £750 to Sustrans and £750 to CRY. In both 2011 and 2010 we donated £1200 to charity. In 2011 the charity was Linkage Community Trust and in 2010 it was split between the three charities, St Albans Mencap, Shelter and Vic Dashwood Memorial Fund. For 2009 the selected charity was the RSPCA Blackberry Farm, Quainton and a cheque of £300 was presented to the charity. In previous years, charities we have donated to include, Macmillan Nurses, St Albans Mencap & Richard House.

RSPCA cheque presentation

Presentation of cheque by Alison Putman to RSPCA Blackberry Farm, Quainton
(Photo courtesey of Inspiration Photography)